Retinoscope Manufacturers in India
Retinoscope manufacturers in India:- Streak Relinoscope is exceptionally bright. It is a Streak and Spot Retinosocpe in one and is converted by simply changing the bulb. Retinoscope with C Size battery handles in case or zipper pouch packing.
Rotation and Vergennes movements independently operated for those who prefer separate controls.
continuous 360 degree rotation for easy and accurate positioning of streak for axis determination.
Smooth vergennes movement operated conveniently and easily by the column control.
Dynamic retinoscopy option with near fixation target.
Bright, well defined streak for easy detection of reversal point.
Ring rheostat for smooth and easy control of illumination and all round accessability
Being one of the leading Retinoscope manufacturers in India, Kashmir Surgical Works offer a wide range of retinoscopes designed per the international quality standards and used for examination of the eye. The Retinoscope offered is made available at the best prices to our clients.